Footwear and Falls
Between 2018 and 2022 there were:
· 140 new claims for Croc related injuries with a cost $180,000
· 2580 new claims related to the wearing of high heel shoes
· 4270 new claims related to the wearing of jandals
ACC Case Prevention Manager was asked “what makes Crocs dangerous?” His response was almost identical to Andrew's response in the Crocs article dated the 21st of March 2023.
James noted that all the above stats should be seen as bare minimums, as people are limited in what they can put on their claim form, and they may have overlooked the relevance of their shoes in their injuries. Slips, trips and falls make up the vast majority of injuries, 39% or about 700, 000 claims a year.
“Wear shoes for the occasion”
Wheel alignments are recommended to be completed at least once a year which is an interesting thought, how often do we check our footwear?
When the seasons change, we know how important it is to check the tread on our tires, but how often do we turn our shoes over and check the "tread' on the bottom of our shoes.
Obviously, the tread on the bottom of the shoe is vital in preventing slips but so too is the integrity of the shoe. Podiatrists are specialists in footwear assessment. We can tell the wear on the shoe by the firmness of the heel counter, the stability of the midfoot (reinforced by a shank) and check the shoe flexibility is in the correct place.
Below shows the difference between a Dangerous shoe and a worn but good condition shoe.

If in doubt, pop along to one of our clinics to see first-hand our footwear recommendations or book an appointment with one of our Podiatrists. It's not unusual to see our Patients in the waiting room with a large bag of shoes brought in from home, it's what we recommend.