Arch/Heel Pain Strapping
So we’ve been talking about plantar heel pain and one of the treatment modalities that we talked about was strapping. You can have some very gratifying effects of simple strapping for plantar heel pain or plantar fasciitis and we’re going to have a look now at a very simple type of strapping that you will…
Read MoreCovid-19 Info as of 6 December 2021
As a health service, Waikato Podiatry Clinic is now open in level 3 for those who need treatment. In the interest of the safety for all of our patients and our staff, we are well-prepared to see patients during the current Covid environment and wherever that may lead next. We have detailed procedures for keeping…
Read MoreAppropriate Footwear: 4 Features to Focus on
Appropriate Footwear Why the right footwear is one of the most important decisions for your health and independence Our risk of falling during normal daily life significantly increases as we age. Approximately 30-40% of elderly individuals fall each year – with 5-15% of these falls resulting in serious injury. Such injuries are damaging to physical,…
Read MoreGlidesride Review
Okay, so what I’m going to talk about today is a wear test that I did on this Glide Ride 2, an Asics shoe. As you can see, it’s got quite an accentuated rocker in through the forefoot. It’s probably one of the more aggressive forefoot rockers that I have run in or used. I’m…
Read MoreForefoot Changes
My name is Amy and I’m a podiatrist at Waikato Podiatry Clinic. You may have noticed this doesn’t look like a podiatry clinic today because we’re in lockdown level four. But rest assured podiatrists are still talking feet. Today I thought I’d do a little video on forefoot anomalies. We see a lot of complications…
Read MoreChildren’s Heel Pain vs Screen Time
Being a parent, I know how it feels to be constantly battling to keep your kids off screens. With young people, the idea of trying to keep them as active as possible, is really exciting for parents, and important for their general health, both physical and mental. So when they develop an injury, and they’re…
Read MoreArch Pain
Today we’re going to talk about the arches of the foot. We often hear mainly about the medial longitudinal arch. This is traditionally what is referred to when people are talking about the arch of their foot. But what is less well known is that we actually have two other arches, we have this…
Read MoreTreating Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar heel pain treatment options. There are a number of treatment options that you can use for plantar heel pain. As we’ve already touched on the main four are: education around the condition; doing stretches for first step pain; using radial shockwave therapy, or extra corporal shockwave therapy to help stimulate healing and the tissue;…
Read MoreCauses of Plantar Heel Pain
With plantar heel pain syndrome, we know that about 10% of the population suffer from this condition. And we know that 70% of plantar heel pain is caused by this problem with the plantar fascia. So our rubber band here is very close to the location of the plantar fascia. When we stand down the…
Read MorePlantar Fasciitis
Plantar heel pain syndrome is a frequently diagnosed condition, around 10% of the population will suffer from it. We know that 70% of plantar heel pain is attributable to this condition known as plantar fasciitis. This is a representation of the plantar fascia here. We know that there are a number of different causes for…
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