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News & Advice from the Waikato Podiatry Clinic

What is Hiker’s Wool?

Hikers wool for blister prevention

Hiker’s Wool: An Explanation When you first come out of Podiatry school, you feel like you are cutting edge, and have all the answers on how you are going to help people (at least I did). Hiker’s Wool for blister prevention, Lambs wool seems like an outdated, useless solution, and…

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How Do Orthotics Work?

Foot orthotics go by many names these days: insoles, shoe inserts, arch supports, custom foot orthoses, and orthotic devices – to name a few. They’re also successfully used to help manage a range of lower limb conditions, from those affecting your spine to your big toe joint and everywhere in…

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Never Treated Ankle Sprains Properly? Five Signs You Have Chronic Ankle Instability

Ever taken a “it’ll be fine in a day or two” approach when you’ve sprained your ankle? Then proceeded to keep walking on and using your ankle normally without a second thought? So have a lot of Kiwis. After all, ankle sprains are are one of the top most common…

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Can Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction Be Cured?

– Experiencing pain on the inside of your ankle that’s exacerbated by physical activity?                      – Struggling to stand up on the tiptoes of the affected foot because it feels too weak and painful?            – Swear…

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How To Stop Feet Aching At Work

Getting Achy feet and legs during a long shift and when you come home from work is often mistaken for a “normal” occurence. After all, it’s natural and almost inevitable that a long day on your feet will tire your legs and muscles out, causing them to ache, right? Actually…

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