Our Blog

News & Advice from the Waikato Podiatry Clinic

Morton’s Neuroma


What is Morton’s Neuroma? Morton’s Neuroma is a painful nerve condition that affects the forefoot, specifically between the metatarsal bones. Despite its name, a Morton’s Neuroma is not actually a tumor but rather a fibrous thickening of nerve tissue, often caused by repeated compression or irritation. When the metatarsal bones…

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Ankle Bracing or Strapping Tape?

  There is a lot of information about ankle injuries, specifically inversion ankle sprains, there is very little information regarding the usefulness of an ankle brace compared to strapping tape as a preventative measure to reduce ankle injuries. Doing nothing is not a good idea As expected, players that took…

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Do I Need Surgery for my Ingrown Nail?

Do I need surgery for my ingrown nail? What is an ingrown toenail? Ingrown toenails can be extremely painful and debilitating and even minor problems can quickly flare into something much worse if left untreated. At Waikato Podiatry Clinic we have treated thousands of ingrown toenails successfully over many years…

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Selection of a shoe: 3 important things to consider


The selection of a shoe I would like to talk to you todayabout how to select the right shoe for you. We often get asked which brands of shoe are best, and we always advise the main three features that we need to look for are fit, function and feel.…

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Netball a players perspective

We thought it would be beneficial to get Laura Langman’s professional perspective on her transition from traditional runners to Netball shoes and how she found her experience to be beneficial. We hope this helps others best determine the footwear they choose for Netball.   What did you initially notice in…

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