Corns & Callouses

Feet with callouses

Corns Corns (heloma) are multiplied skin cells at a focal point of pressure. They usually occur around the joints of toes, in between toes from rubbing, as well as on the soles of the feet where there is excess pressure. They may also occur under a section of callus. Essentially, corns are a mass of…

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Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails

An ingrown toenail is a general term used to describe any pain that occurs around the nail area. Ingrown toenails can happen for a number of reasons: a stubbed toe; a very curved nail that allows dirt to accumulate; a corn down the nail edge. The most typical cause is that the nail has been…

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Fungal Toenails

A fungal toenail

Fungal infections of the foot are extremely common – about 20% of the population are likely to be affected by this problem at some time in their lives. Fungal toenails are a section of this group. There are over a hundred thousand different species of fungi, but only a very select few that will colonise…

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What is a Verruca?

Verruca on the front of a foot

A small skin lesion caused by a virus found on the bottom of the foot or toes, which closely resembles, and is often confused with, a corn. Its size is usually under 1cm in diameter but can grow larger and can also occur in clusters (mosaic warts). Verrucae pedis are caused by the human papilloma…

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Children’s Feet

Keep our kids active! We all know that activity is extremely important to the health and wellbeing of our children. Don’t let pain stop them moving. A child’s foot has active growth centres which open at different times throughout their development. When the growth centres are open and growth is occurring the areas are particularly…

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Ankle Pain

Bare feet turned inwards

Ankle Instability – Loose or Weak Ankles This can occur if the strength of the stabilising structure around the ankle is not good. This will often lead to frequent ankle sprains. Ligament injuries also frequently occur in through the foot and ankle, the most common being ligament tears in through the front part of the…

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Tendon & Ligament Problems

Runner with painful shin

A ligament joins bone to bone. Ligament injuries frequently occur through the foot and ankle, the most common being ligament tears through the front part of the ankle as a consequence of a nasty ankle sprain. After ligaments have been sprained they seldom return to their original length and result in ‘laxity’ in through that…

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Knee Pain

A runner with a painful knee

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS) is the most common cause of knee pain that affects the front of the knee joint. Pain often presents around the front of the knee and may feel as if it is coming from the centre of the knee or from right under the knee cap. There is often a clicking…

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Shin Pain

Runner with painful shin

Shin pain is one of the most common injuries seen by a sports podiatrist. Shin splints are not a specific diagnosis but a common term used to describe pain coming from the shin area. An accurate diagnosis and treatment plan needs to be established. There are three common causes of shin pain whereby one or…

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Achilles Tendon Pain

Diagram of the achilles tendon

Thirty percent of patients who present with Achilles tendon pain do not regularly participate in sport or activity. The Achilles tendon is a frequently painful injury in people over 35 years of age. This is because as we grow older the tissue that makes up the tendon changes and becomes less able to adapt to…

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