Ankle Pain

Ankle Instability - Loose or Weak Ankles

Bare feet turned inwardsThis can occur if the strength of the stabilising structure around the ankle is not good. This will often lead to frequent ankle sprains. Ligament injuries also frequently occur in through the foot and ankle, the most common being ligament tears in through the front part of the ankle, as a consequence of a nasty ankle sprain. This produces a sloppy unstable joint, which needs to be strengthened and supported appropriately. This is where we can help you.


Certain foot types will be more prone to certain injuries so balancing the foot can help improve ongoing function, reduce pain and improve stability. Getting you back to doing what you love again. Foot posture and balance may predispose individuals to recurrent calf sprains, which will increase the load on already compromised ligaments. Therefore it is essential to have these areas balanced out adequately to prevent ongoing pain and dysfunction in this area.

Back of Ankle Pain

Tendons around the ankle can be problematic

Tendon problems, sprains and strains of the foot occur in a number of different regions through the foot and ankle. Achilles tendon injuries are probably the most common of these.
Essentially the ankle and associated joints act as a pivot point around which the peroneal tendons on the outside and the posterior tibial tendon on the inside balance and support the foot.

The peroneal tendons run down the outside of the ankle and help stabilise the foot against ankle sprains and adapting to uneven ground. Strains and sprains can also be quite common in this region with a foot that is not aligned correctly usually as a result bone shape. The peroneal runs down through the outside and around the bottom of the ankle and is an important stabiliser to the foot.

Also the posterior tibial tendon stabilizes the opposite side of the foot to the peroneal tendons and helps raise the inside section of the foot and leg. This is a more commonly affected tendon and can result in a progressive flattening of the foot and arch. This problem is known as postertior tibial dysfunction.

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