Covid-19 Info as of 6 December 2021

As a health service, Waikato Podiatry Clinic is now open in level 3 for those who need treatment. In the interest of the safety for all of our patients and our staff, we are well-prepared to see patients during the current Covid environment and wherever that may lead next. We have detailed procedures for keeping our staff and patients safe. 

In keeping with Ministry of Health guidelines: 

  • All staff are fully vaccinated, or on their way to being so 
  • We use plenty of appropriate PPE 
  • Hand sanitiser is available to all staff and patients 
  • Both clinics have good ventilation 
  • We are thoroughly screening patients for symptoms before treatment to limit the risk of covid entering our clinics 
  • Masks are used by all staff and patients 
  • We have a solid contact tracing system in place 

If you have any questions about our health and safety procedures around covid-19 please feel free to contact us. We hope you are all safe during this unsettling time and we will be pleased to see you in our clinics again soon. 

Andrew Jones in PPE

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