How Do Orthotics Work?

Foot orthotics go by many names these days: insoles, shoe inserts, arch supports, custom foot orthoses, and orthotic devices – to name a few. They’re also successfully used to help manage a range of lower limb conditions, from those affecting your spine to your big toe joint and everywhere in between. So, what exactly are…

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Can Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction Be Cured?

– Experiencing pain on the inside of your ankle that’s exacerbated by physical activity?                      – Struggling to stand up on the tiptoes of the affected foot because it feels too weak and painful?            – Swear that your arches are appearing…

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How To Stop Feet Aching At Work

Getting Achy feet and legs during a long shift and when you come home from work is often mistaken for a “normal” occurence. After all, it’s natural and almost inevitable that a long day on your feet will tire your legs and muscles out, causing them to ache, right? Actually – it’s not. Whether you’re…

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Causes of Plantar Heel Pain

sever's disease

Having Plantar Heel Pain greatly limits and interferes with the lives of many of the patients here at Waikato Podiatry. We often get asked what causes Heel Pain, and why some struggle on and off for several years with this issue. The key to offering long-term care relief from Plantar Heel pain, and preventing its…

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Sesamoiditis – How Can We Help?

Sesamoiditis is a common condition that causes pain in the ball of the foot, specifically under the big toe joint. The sesamoid bones are two small bones located under the big toe joint within 9 tendons that run to the end of the big toe. A sesamoid is greek for “Sesame Seed” and in this…

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Do I need an Xray or a Scan?

This is a question we hear often at Waikato Podiatry, and here are some guides to help you better understand the role of imaging in podiatry and when it can help.   Firstly, lets look at the different types of imaging and what they can and cannot offer. X-Ray X-Ray is the baseline level of…

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What Are The Best Footwear For Sore Heels?

Everyday items can hold more importance than one would think. Shoes, for instance, are an instrumental part of healing from conditions like Plantar Fasciitis. However a shoe that doesn’t support or protect the foot, like walking barefoot, has the opposite effect and can cause or irritate the condition. This poses a big question: What to…

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Are you Pregnant and experiencing Foot Pain?

Women go through many common complaints throughout their pregnancy, and foot pain is one of the major complaints, and unfortunately is overlooked. Due to natural weight gain during pregnancy, a womens centre of gravity will alter, which places increased pressure on the joints in the lower back, legs, ankles and feet. The body also naturally…

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