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News & Advice from the Waikato Podiatry Clinic

Causes of Plantar Heel Pain

causes of plantar heel pain

With plantar heel pain syndrome, we know that about 10% of the population suffer from this condition. And we know that 70% of plantar heel pain is caused by this problem with the plantar fascia. So our rubber band here is very close to the location of the plantar fascia.…

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Plantar Fasciitis

plantar fasciitis

Plantar heel pain syndrome is a frequently diagnosed condition, around 10% of the population will suffer from it. We know that 70% of plantar heel pain is attributable to this condition known as plantar fasciitis. This is a representation of the plantar fascia here. We know that there are a…

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Plantar Heel Pain

sever's disease

 What we’re going to talk about today is a condition known as plantar heel pain syndrome. More correctly a combination of different conditions that result in pain underneath the plantar aspect of the heel here. The main cause of plantar heel pain syndrome is plantar fasciitis. This is a condition…

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Heel Pain in Children

Activity is extremely important to the health and wellbeing of our children. Don’t let pain stop them moving. A child’s foot has active growth centres which open at different times throughout their development. When the growth centres are open and growth is occurring, these areas are particularly vulnerable to inflammation,…

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Walking The Line

The ASICS Gel Odyssey

‘Walking the line’ is a term originating in the 1800s to describe a thin line around the perimeter of a prison exercise area. A prisoner was punished for any deviation from this line. It was later popularised in the music of Johnny Cash. Today ‘walking the line’ more commonly refers…

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