Frustrated by Leg or Foot Pain?

We can help you live an active, healthy life again

Is leg or foot pain stopping you from doing your thing?

Mobility is the key to a happy life !

Science has proved that we need to be active in order to live long healthy lives.

We see people every day who are struggling to do the things they love like training, tramping, or just trying to keep up with their kids, because of problems with their legs or feet.

It's slowing them down, stopping them from joining in, embarrassing them, and limiting their lives.

We often see people who feel to have tried everything. They've been passed from pillar to post with no success. At Waikato Podiatry Clinic in Hamilton and Rototuna, we have a solution for you, whether it's a sports injury, complex long-standing problem, or a more common foot problem, we've probably seen and treated it before.

Man running on athletics track

Are Your Feet Stopping You Performing?

Knee pain, foot pain, pulled muscles or tendon trouble can stop you from performing at a high level. Our foot clinic assessment, diagnosis, advice, and bespoke treatment plans are designed to get you back up to full speed as soon as possible.

Are You Struggling With Muscle Or Joint Pain?

You can't perform to the best of your abilities if bone or joint problems are slowing you down. Our expert help will get you back on track.

Female runner in the mountains
Female runner in the mountains

Are You Struggling With Muscle Or Joint Pain?

You can't perform to the best of your abilities if bone or joint problems are slowing you down. Our expert help will get you back on track.

Andrew Jones, Podiatrist adjusting a child's footwear

Do Your Active Kids Have Foot Problems?

Out kids are naturally active, as parents we know it can be hard keeping up sometimes. But just like adults, they can develop foot and leg problems that stop them from taking part and having fun. We've got years of experience in keeping Waikato's youngsters on the move and lots of positive cases to share.

Are You Suffering With Problem Toe Nails?

Toenails can often be painful, ugly, misshapen, difficult to cut or even all four. If you're struggling in any way with problem toe nails, we have got the solution for you.

Waikato Podiatry Clinic Foot Assessment
Podiatry treatment at Waikato Podiatry

Are You Suffering With Problem Toe Nails?

Toenails can often be painful, ugly, misshapen, difficult to cut or even all four. If you're struggling in any way with problem toe nails, we have got the solution for you.

Podiatrist Andrew Jones of Waikato Podiatry

Whatever Your Foot Problem

You can get help right now

stephen donald rugby world cup final 2011

Sports Podiatry Excellence

Supporting New Zealand's
National Level Athletes

Here at Waikato Podiatry, we have been so proud to support Stephen Donald with podiatric care throughout his wonderful professional and All Blacks rugby career. Together we kept him training hard and on the pitch playing for New Zealand.

Stephen Donald, New Zealand Rugby Player

Throughout Laura Langman's professional international netball career Waikato Podiatry has been an important member of her medical team. We are so grateful that she recommends us to her teammates for their podiatric care.

Laura Langman, New Zealand Netballer

Laura Langman, New Zealand Netballer
© Photo by Michael Bradley

Foot pain is not normal !

Give your feet the attention they deserve

We want to empower the people of Waikato with a timely return to physically active life
so you can get on with what you love to do.

Your Patient Journey

We have a simple 5 step process to take you from pain to back on your feet


You are proactive about your mobility and foot health and book your appointment


We listen to your story and carry out a comprehensive assessment


We provide you with an accurate diagnosis and a custom treatment plan


Together we work to maximise your recovery

Full Living

You get back to doing what you love as quickly as possible


All the podiatrists at Waikato Podiatry clinics will start by asking about the problem you want our help with. They will listen to how you describe the problem and how it is affecting you so that they understand it from your perspective.

Then they will take a full medical history to make sure there is nothing else underlying that they need to know about before carrying out a physical assessment. The exact assessments will depend on the problem you are presenting with.

Your podiatrist will then give you a diagnosis of the problem. They will discuss treatment options with you and how you can work together to get the best results for you.

In New Zealand podiatrists are qualified to administer local anaesthetic and perform surgical procedures like ingrowing toenail surgery or verruca removal. If we feel you require more complex surgery, we have a network of local orthopaedic surgeons specialising in foot and ankle surgery who we work closely with to refer you to.

Podiatrists are specialists in diagnosing and treating conditions affecting feet and legs. They spend three years training to focus on this area of the body. So if you are struggling with any foot or leg problems, they are the best first place to go.

Here at Waikato Podiatry we often see patients who have been passed from GPs to consultants, physiotherapists and other therapists and finally end up coming to see us. We have a great track record of resolving foot and leg problems that other professionals have not been able to. So yes, we think it is well worth coming to see a podiatrist.

Podiatrists are specialists in assessing, diagnosing and treating conditions affecting your feet and lower limbs. Here at Waikato Podiatry clinics we can help you with longstanding sports injuries, worries about your children's feet, heel and joint pain, problematic toenails, infections, sprains and much more.

How often you need to see a podiatrist depends on the nature of your problem. For some conditions one visit may be enough but for others you may need regular ongoing appointments for maintenance and prevention.

Arthritis is a common problem that occurs in the feet and we see it frequently. There are several treatment options that we can apply to reduce the pain of your arthritis and keep you doing what you love to do.